for Families Touched by Pediatric Cancer

Easing the journey with community

Providing local support to pediatric cancer patients, survivors and bereaved families.



helping families like ours

Our Purpose

Mayla’s Pediatric Cancer Foundation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, and all donations are tax deductible and greatly appreciated. It is our goal to continue Mayla’s mission of courage, caring, compassion, and kindness while battling Cancer. And also to provide support that’s helpful to hero’s and their families to make the journey not so heavy while battle pediatric cancer.

Ours is a family that knows all too well the strain pediatric cancer can be, not just on the patient, but on their loved ones. Some are lucky to have a strong support system they can depend on for childcare, supplies, and whatever else they may need, but others are not.  We strive to help the ones that need a support network to ease the journey.

During are lengthy time we noticed that the older kids with cancer and their families couldn’t get the same support and opportunities as the younger kids because most donations are  geared for the first time around. But the support needed is much greater. Sometimes other organizations can only give once. This is where our foundation would like to assist. When families that suffer multiple relapses the support is needed. Loved ones must continue to work especially when there’s other children in the household. It becomes difficult after a while.

We would like to help with the funding for research for a cure so that no child has to suffer as Mayla did and no family has to lose a precious son or daughter.

With your donations to our foundation you’ll get to help teens, tweens, and their caregivers. We provide families like ours food, financial support, age appropriate entertainment, gas, and self-care items they so desperately need.

on a mission to lighten the load

How can we support you?

supplies & entertainment

Older children often don’t receive donated items that are age-appropriate, or families struggle to provide the normal items that tweens and teens would like to have. Through the foundation we can donate these items, free of charge.

childcare & Funds

Tweens and teens with younger siblings may be alone for treatments while mom or dad are home with them or at work. We think no child should be alone at the hospital, so we provide funds so parents can be there with them. 


We help you navigate the options available for families in need of burial services and other end of life services. No-cost programs exist and we can help you navigate the paperwork.

For Mayla

For Mayla

in loving honor of mayla bates

Our beloved, vibrant Tremayla Jah’Leah Bates was born on March 15, 2012. She was the planned final addition to our family. Known as MAYLA to all who loved her, with a memorable personality from the start.

At the tender age of 5, in 2017, our entire world changed. Diagnosed with a kidney cancer medically known as Nephroblastoma while in kindergarten, it was our first of three recurrences of this terrible cancer over what would be a 6-year journey that we never would have imagined for our family. We said goodbye to Mayla at the age of 11.

Over those 6 years the nurses, doctors, and staff were amazing. But with each recurrence the hospital visits became longer, and the toll it took on us as a family was more pronounced. And yet, we were fortunate to have a fiercely supportive community in our family, our church, and in our loved ones that helped lighten the load in any way they could. We realize we are fortunate, and that so many other families lack this support.

We hope now, in honor of our cherished Mayla, that her foundation may be that community for other families going through the same journey, and lighten their load.

Welcome to your new support system.

a completely free support system for families

Join the free MCF community, a members-only space where you can find the support and kinship with families that are, or have been, exactly where you are now. In addition to all the resources and support that the foundation provides, we’ve created a space where you can connect with other families, attend monthly virtual support sessions, and more.

How can you help us?

help us lighten the load
make a donation now



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Lighten the load for a family touched by pediatric cancer.

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